
Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Institutionalization of th essays

The Institutionalization of th essays By the end of the 20th century the environmental movement and its issues have become a major role in the lives of most US residents. They recycle, join environmental groups, protest, buy eco-friendly products, and include the environment as part of their criteria for voting for candidates. Although the Sierra Club had endorsed Clinton in the 1992 presidential election, the organization, as well as many other environmentalists, had expressed disappointment with his first term. In the year preceding the 1996 election, Clinton returned to the pro-environment policies he stood for earlier in his administration. In August 1996 dangers to Yellowstone National Park were averted when the administration negotiated an agreement with the firm to held gold-mining rights nearby. The Clinton-Gore victory in 1998 promised to keep a pro-environmental president and vice president in office. The most domination international environmental event in 1997 was the Climate-Change Conference held in K yoto, Japan, in November. Of the many issues to be discussed by the international conference, the cutting of emissions of head-taping greenhouse gases was the most important. The Clinton administration, allied with the Republican-led Senate opposed this view, arguing that because the warming of the atmosphere opposed this view, arguing that because the warming of the atmosphere by greenhouse gases was global concern, all countries must hare in the solution. On Dec 11, 1997, the Kyoto Conference reached an agreement, known as the Kyoto Protocol that set legally binding limits on the man-made emissions of greenhouse gases from 38 industrialized countries. President Clinton agreed to sign the Kyoto Protocol, but he would not submit the agreement to the Senate for its constitutional role of advice and consent until key developing countries agreed to participate meaningfully in the effort. April 1998 had seemed to be a high point for environment...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

TSCA VS REACH VS CEPA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

TSCA VS REACH VS CEPA - Essay Example The TSCA laws and regulations majorly deal with control of exposure to toxic substances from industries to the environment as asserted by Girard, Day and Snider (2010). The TSCA restrictions provide control over exposure from substances relating to food, drugs, cosmetics and pesticides among others. In addition, they have authority requiring recording keeping, testing requirements, restriction to chemical substances and reporting the findings to make a decision. On the other hand, REAC regulations aim to improve protection of human health and the environment by identifying earlier, any key properties of chemical substances. Majorly, REAC applies to the exclusion of potential risks substances imported or manufactured in the EU. CEPA was a Canadian Environmental Registry enacted in 1999 as contained in Girard, Day and Snider (2010). CEPA is an act that concerns about pollution prevention and protection of the environment with attention to human health. CEPA exercises its mandate to protect the environment where any threats of serious and irreversible damage or lack of full scientific certainty on a product enforces pollution prevention approaches. Therefore, CEPA takes preventive and remedial measures to protect and enhance the restoration of the environment for sustainable development as explained by Girard, Day and Snider

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How technology has affected history Research Paper

How technology has affected history - Research Paper Example Lives have been saved, businesses grow, environment is taken care of and everything seems to progress with the aide of technology. In particular, the recent breakthroughs in computers and internet have allowed people to connect to anybody anytime and anywhere despite of the distance geographically. Barriers have been overcome by the technology and people are able to enjoy the benefits. Despite of the benefits from technology, some downfalls are seen by scientists and other professionals throughout history. Those may pose hazard to the environment, human health, education, morals and many more. There are many factors involved in those negative consequences of using technology but those are not signs of the end of the world. They may signal the need for change, innovation and further studies to create new solutions to the spurring problems and challenges for the betterment of the world towards sustainability. As technology has been noted in the preceding paragraphs, reflecting upon the changes as it passes through the history may give a clear picture and understanding to the readers regarding the importance and impact of technology to human existence. History has been divided into different eras and for the study, three eras would be mentioned and discussed: Renaissance Era, Industrial Revolution Era, and Atomic Era. Each era would be provided with introductions and the technologies used for each. Afterwards, the advantages and disadvantages of the technology for each era would be analyzed and compared and contrasted to other technology from other eras. Renaissance started since the time of the High Middle Ages wherein various improvements happened in terms of the economy, society, politics and intellects. Its roots came from the Renaissance of the 12th century which was considered to be the developments to sprout at the latter part of the Middle Ages. It became the avenue for the advancement in arts, literature and science although scientific developments occurr ed at the latter part of Renaissance.1 Renaissance originally means rebirth and it was a cultural movement that spanned from the 14th century to 17th century and became a wide-scale movement throughout Europe. It had produced the paper and type sped that allowed quicker dissemination of knowledge but still some nations in Europe had not experienced its boom equally. In terms of literature, it developed the Latin literature across the Western continent and the popularity was attributed to Petrarch. In particular, he had made linear perspective and other artistic techniques together with the reformation of education.2 The developments had given way to the practices in the Modern Era such as the conventions in politics through diplomacy and the importance of observation that became the primary tool for science. Renaissance had also catered to the developments of the polymaths who were considered to be geniuses in various fields of knowledge and abilities like Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci. They were known as Renaissance man as being such is attributed to the name of the era. Various issues had been laid down with the concept of the polymaths and even with the name Renaissance and its very existence.3 Some viewed Renaissance as just a part of the former eras with high respect for classical ages as culture and arts flourished. Nostalgia

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The security strengths and weaknesses of the Internet Essay

The security strengths and weaknesses of the Internet - Essay Example Internet security is very important for a person who keeps or sends important data over the network. â€Å"A basic knowledge of internet security is essential for anyone who uses the web for tasks such as email, networking and shopping† (Paul). Importance of Internet Privacy Internet security has become one of the main concerns for every individual connected to the internet for any purpose. It is because there are a number of hackers present on the internet continuously trying to break into other computers in order to steal important data or to destroy the important data. Hacking has become so common in today’s world that almost every person who uses internet is a target of hackers. â€Å"Hacking is the process in which a system is tested before it goes into the market for direct use by the customers† (Douglas). Any individual, whether using internet for communication purposes or for information sharing, needs to ensure premium level internet security because hac kers not only try to break into such computers which contain highly critical information but also they try to gain control of such computers which although do not contain any important information but can be used to hack other computers. There are many security measures, which an individual can take to reduce the chances of internet attacks. â€Å"Internet security fundamentals are designed to protect individual Internet users from security risks which accompany use of the Internet† (Smith). Some of the easiest and most effective security measures include regularly changing the login passwords, setting difficult passwords, downloading a personal firewall, setting encryption standards, and installing up to date antivirus software. One can never deny the significance of internet security in today’s world. Internet privacy is one of the biggest concerns for any individual doing any kind of work on the internet. The issue of internet security or privacy is not just limited to big organizations and companies; rather it has become a need for any individual having online presence. â€Å"It is a common misconception that Internet security plays a large role only in organizations, or when people have sensitive information on their computers† (Sundaram). For online businesses, maintaining internet security is of extreme importance. Some of the key steps which every company should take while going online include registering an anonymous domain name, taking steps to protect online communications, making use of e-currency payment solutions, and ensuring local security along with online security. Implementing internet security measures is very important for any individual for many reasons. Some of the most significant reasons include keeping privacy of important information, not letting strangers to view personal information, being online with no fear, protecting personal and business emails, and doing business activities with optimum security. A very i mportant question related to internet security is that what can happen if a person does not care about internet security or why a person needs to implement effective internet security measures. The answer to the question is that if a person does not take steps to ensure internet security, he/she is likely to face many problems, such as, loss of important data, misuse of data, misuse of computer identity, receiving fake emails, receiving hazardous links, and loss of important files. Therefore, maintaining optimum

Friday, November 15, 2019

Stem Cell Research and Utilitarianism

Stem Cell Research and Utilitarianism Janelle Akomah What if there was an opportunity to develop a cure for diabetes, HIV, or cancer? However, in order to achieve such a task, research and manipulation of embryonic cells are required. One may question the viability of the cells and if the embryos or fetuses are regarded as human lives. Stem cell research advances the knowledge about how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This paper will focus on the support of stem cell research and its importance in the future of medicine. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that and renew itself and differentiate to yield some or all major cell types of tissues or organs. The potential in regenerating or manipulating stem cells for future treatment of genetic conditions or chronic diseases is profound and is needed for treatment of medical conditions. Utilitarianism is the theory of justice that is supportive of stem cell research. The foundation of this theory is â€Å"the great est happiness† principle. The lives that can be saved are immeasurable. But what about the embryos and fetuses that are destroyed in the process? If embryos are considered lives, stem cell research can be essentially considered as murder. The primary objection that may apply is that utilitarianism makes no room for individual rights. Sacrificing the life of one to save millions may be worth it and this paper will state the major points of support for stem cell research. Stem Cell Research Controversy Stem cells are undifferentiated cells in tissue that serve as an internal repair system that divide to replenish other cells within the body. These cells are capable of renewing themselves through cell division and can divide and repair damaged or worn out tissue. Human embryonic stem cells are stem cells that are derived from human embryos. Stem cells are able to divide and renew themselves for a long period of time, unspecialized and can give rise to specialized cell types (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2009). Current research of stem cells includes controlling cell proliferation and differentiation through identification of how undifferentiated stem cells convert to differentiated cells that form the tissues and organs. Then controversy in stem cell research involves the creation, usage, and destruction of embryos. Creation of human embryo stem cell line requires destruction of the human embryo. At Harvard University, researchers attempted to transfer the nucleus of a somatic cell into an existing embryonic stem cell to create a new stem cell line. The ethical issue of manipulation and destruction of the human embryo and its stem cells center the debate on stem cell research. The pro-life movement is stemmed from the concern of the rights and status of the embryo as human life. Until recent years, stem cell research included removing tissue from an aborted embryo to get material to evaluate and study. Researchers are now reverting to obtain and manipulate pluripotent stem cells without th e use of embryos. In the past, ethical issues of scientific research on aborted fetuses did not justify medical benefits. Researchers began evaluating embryonic stem cells because they represent the earliest stage of later cell lineages and provide information on how development of tissues arise and treatments to cure or prevent chronic diseases (Robertson, 2010). Those against embryonic stem cell research believe that fertilized eggs used in the laboratory are human beings or individuals with rights, moral and legal statuses of fully born persons. These individuals view destruction of embryos as murder or a sacrifice of the weakest for the interest of others. Those that support stem cell research do not view embryos to have interests or rights and should not be protected at the cost of scientific research. They also do not believe that fetuses develop any neurological capacity to feel pain. Support of Stem Cell Research Stem cell research has the potential to save millions of lives and give a new start to those that may have been threatened by chronic and/or fatal conditions. The conditions considered for potential cures include spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The possibility of reversing the effects of aging and prolonging life is beneficial for those who are interested. It may also increase the quality of life among many individuals. It is difficult to determine if embryonic stem cells are considered human life. So why not research the early stages of human development to facilitate medical advances for mankind? If we can improve the quality of life for individuals with chronic conditions by exploring the use of embryonic stem cells, why not research them? There can be a comparison of stem cell research of embryonic stem cells to that of individuals in the military. People are recruited, trained, and deployed to protect the country from harm or terror. In the end, it is all done for the greater good and to save lives. In stem cell research, embryonic stem cells are researched by manipulation or destruction to develop a stem cell line or cure for many progressive and fatal chronic conditions. This research is done to provide a line of defense against diseases that are harmful to the human being. When we look at the two examples, although different approaches, the overall goal is to protect the human race. I look at stem cell research as a way to protect human life against many harmful invaders that decrease the overall quality of life and may cause death. Utilitarianism It is known as the â€Å"greatest happiness† principle and utilitarianism argues that justice is maximizing individuals’ happiness and minimizing pain. John Stuart Mill, an English philosopher, stated acts should be considered as morally right or wrong if the consequences are of significance that an individual would wish to act in a preferred manner (West, 2012). These actions support the greater good for the greatest number. Utilitarianism defines morality as the maximization of total net expectable utility for individuals affected by an action or decision. There were multiple philosophers of utilitarianism including John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham. Both philosophers proposed this theory as a form of consequentialism which states that consequences are the ultimate basis for judgment about right or wrong conduct. Bentham stated that every moral argument should draw on the idea of maximizing happiness (Sandel, 2009, pg 32). He notes that the highest principle of mora lity is to maximize happiness and the overall balance of pleasure over pain. Bentham argued that every moral argument should draw on maximizing happiness (Sandel, 2009, pg 32). It is the foundation of moral and political life. When there is a choice to be made between actions, utilitarianism’s theory states that the choice with the greatest utility is the right choice. Utilitarianism can definitely be applied to the controversial issue of embryonic stem cell research. Research of embryonic stem cells is conducted to develop cures and treatments of chronic conditions for the greater good of the human race. When we look at the overall goal and purpose of stem cell research, we can determine it as a morally right consequence. This is determined because the research is conducted in search of a cure for diseases and a treatment course that will increase an individual’s quality of life thus increasing their overall happiness. The definition of justice can be considered as granting each person what they are morally due. Is it not fair to grant each individual a maximization of life and the most quality of life available? Stem cell research seeks to uphold that goal by looking for answers to a growing issue. Many people succumb to chronic conditions for various reasons. If cures or treatment plans that prolong the lifespan are developed, many lives will be saved and healthcare expenditures can decline. The costs for maintenance of diseases such as diabetes, heart failure, Alzheimer’s disease would decrease because if cured, there will be no need for maintenance. The Objection There is no room for individual rights when utilitarianism is in place. This theory explains justice as saving the most lives. If we look at stem cell research and utilitarianism, then this objection can apply. If embryos used in stem cell research are considered the beginning of human life, then we look at individual rights. There are none. The rights of the embryos that are manipulated and destroyed are not taken into account when looking at the overall purpose of stem cell research. The supporter of this objection states that everyone is created equally and no one individual is better or is worth more than another. There is question on how the individual is treated under the theory of utilitarianism. Non-supporters of utilitarianism state that each individual is counted as one on an equal basis; however, it fails to respect the integrity of each person (Seehy, 2002). The objection states that the overall function of the treatment of individuals contribute to the greater good which in turn reflects impartiality. How can the individual rights of embryos/fetuses be taken into account if they are manipulated and destroyed for the goal of researching a cure for a chronic condition? Is it fair to play God and pick and choose which embryo or fetus will be chosen for research purposes? Another example in comparison to stem cell research includes the controversial issue of abortion. If an embryo/fetus is considered the beginning of human life, could we not consider the destruction of them as murder? How are the individual rights of these embryos taken into account? With utilitarianism, they are not beca use the benefits of research outweigh the risks and harm of that individual cell. Is this a fair statement? Is the sacrifice of few worth the greater good of many? Response to Objection Rule – utilitarianism is a term that determines the right or wrongness by finding the best rule of conduct followed by the majority of society (Seehy, 2002). John Mill attempted to respond to the objection mentioned above by presenting a rule and stating that individual liberties should be respected. He mentions that there is room for personal commitments without having to give up everything to help others. Maximizing utility in the long run by respecting individual liberties will lead to the greatest human happiness (Sandel, 2009, pg 47). Is happiness the only thing that matters in response to the objection? In stem cell research, is the only thing that is important is the potential number of lives that will be saved? Happiness is not the only issue when evaluating utilitarianism and stem cell research. Healthcare costs of treatment plans for chronic conditions continue to increase. The potential for cures of chronic diseases from stem cell research can save millions. But why support stem cell research after stating the objection of individual rights? There has not been any research scientifically verifying human life beginning at the embryonic stage. So this research cannot be harming human life. Some individuals believe that morally stem cell research reflects the act of â€Å"playing God† and it is an act that destroys human life. To answer that statement, who is to judge that manipulation of cells is morally wrong? There is no evidence that human life is being harmed and individual rights are not being subjected to foul play. With this not only will happiness occur but the overall consequence reflects the stages it took to achieve an end. Basically, the ending is virtue. Supporters of stem cell research can see no wrongdoing in the act itself. The objection cannot really apply if human life has not been determined. Let’s look at rule-utilitarianism and apply it to stem cell research. Can we maximize utility over a longer period of time in stem cell research to make the topic acceptable? This means, is it possible to do research on limited number of cells over a period of time rather than all at once for the same ending result? Does this make the issue better and can maximum utility be achieved? Conclusion Stem cell research has been a topic of controversy for quite some time. Those who object the idea believe that there is manipulation and destruction of human life and murder is being committed. They believe that human life begins at the embryonic stage. In support of stem cell research, utilitarianism can be applied. Stem cell research seeks to achieve the greatest happiness and maximize utility by saving lives. The primary objection to this issue was the neglect of individual rights. However, if human life has not been determined, individual rights have not been compromised. In support of the greater good, stem cell research is needed in healthcare for medical advancement. References Robertson, J. (2010). Embryo Stem Cell Research: Ten Years of Controversy. Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics, 191-203. Sandel, M. (2009). Justice: Whats the right thing to do? New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux. Seehy, P. (2002). Doing the Right Thing (Part II): Challenges to Utilitarianism. Retrieved July 9, 2014, from The Richmond Journal of Philosophy: http://www.richmond-philosophy.net/rjp/rjp20_sheehy.php US Department of Health and Human Services. (2009, April 28). What are the unique properties of stem cells? Retrieved July 08, 2014, from Stem Cell Information: http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/pages/basics2.aspx West, H. (2012). Utilitarianism. Retrieved July 4, 2014, from Encyclopedia Britannica: http://www.utilitarianism.com/utilitarianism.html

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Plays :: essays research papers fc

Overview This is a research paper of at least 1000 words that examines a play or playwright that we have studied in class. Outcomes 1) Students will gain a deeper understanding of a particular area of dramatic literature. 2) Students will develop their writing skills through the completion of multiple drafts. 3) Students will develop their ability at conducting effective and ethical research. Submission of Emails All material must be submitted through email attachments, using the following format. If you don’t use this format I will return your emails to you. Using this format allows me to keep track of what you’ve sent me. a. In the subject line of your email write the name of our class, the name of the assignment you are submitting, your last name, your email address, the date, and the version of your work—but do not include any punctuation!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For example, â€Å"Drama Literature Bibliography Wilson saw003 March 13 Version 1† b. In the body of the email write something like this:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hello Mr. Art,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Attached is my bibliography for the research paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sincerely,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Liz Wilson Development Process 1) Submission of a topic/play (5 points): Thursday, March 10 2) Submission of a bibliography (15 points): Thursday, March 17  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A bibliography must have a minimum of three websites, three books, and three journal entries. The entries must be cited according to MLA standards. If you don’t know what these are, please ask a research librarian. 3) Submission of an annotated bibliography (25 points): Thursday, March 24 The annotated bibliography must include one to three websites, one to three books, and one to three journals. Each entry must have a paragraph that summarizes relevant information about a particular source. 4) Submission of a 250 word initial treatment of topic with thesis (25 points): Thursday, March 31 5) Second draft of at least 700 words (50 points): Thursday, April 7 6) Final draft of at least 1000 words (100 points): Thursday, April 14 Possible areas to consider in choosing a topic and play:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1) Comparing one play or playwright to another For example, comparing the way Ibsen structures the plot of HeddaGabler to the way in which Chekhov structures the plot of The Cherry Orchard.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2) Comparing a character from one play to another For example, comparing Hedda Gabler to Amanda Wingfield.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3) Researching the context in which a play was written Aesthetic—how a play is connected to artistic movements and ideas, e.g., realism, tragedy, comedy, classicism, feminism Chronological—how a play is connected to historical events that surrounded its creation.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Playing Upon the String of Emptiness Essay

Nowadays, the search for something new has been greatly pursued. The availability of resources helped individuals to innovate. It impels them to work beyond the existing rules and surpassing limitations, be it in the field of music, architecture, literature, etc. The modernity of this world brought upon by globalization made it easier to reach cultures. Cultures that were bound by their physical territories before have been accessible because of modern technologies. This easy, unlimited exposure provides endless ideas and innovations that bring about different works of art. For Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, this infinite flow of innovations or novelties offers unrestricted venues for artists to produce their works—venues that are free from rules and do not conform to a certain set of standards. According to him, this poses a threat to the morality of society as well as of the artists’. He argued that novelty is an art with unlimited freedom and thus equates to a soulless art. This perspective was explained in the context of Russian’s struggle with communism which Solzhenitsyn directly experienced. He focused on the deterioration of arts’ standard after the fall of Communism, specifically with literature. Due to the given freedom, arts do not fall under a set of standards, causing the artistic value to suffer. He then related that Communism promoted a new society. To be able to build a new one, the old cultures and traditions should be thrown away: To start a new world is to start from scratch. Solzhenitsyn then compared this situation to the literary artists in his country. They were writing outright criticisms of every aspect of Russian roots like language, religion, and traditional cultures—a move that was so desperate for a change to be made by who he termed as ‘desperate innovators’. The author disapproved of forgetting the roots of any artistic work, for this is important in the development of a new face of art. Solzhenitsyn does not believe in the aggressive step of aiming forward in the arts starting from nothing. Novelty becomes relentless with the absence of ancient roots. It is an unintelligible art with no significant value to the world—an art without a purpose and is useless. Solzhenitsyn cited what kinds of arts were produced because of the frantic novelty frenzy. The arts arising from novelty does not have that spiritual connection from the artist with the world. Since the ‘great cultural tradition’ has been detached, the spiritual grounds that were developed from it are missing as well. Arts were not produced for a greater purpose anymore. Thus, it does not emanate a higher sense of value for the world. It is reduced to a mere display without a profound significance. It was from the author’s observation that the absence of artistic limits has resulted in irresponsibility and apathy. Solzhenitsyn mentioned the ‘what do you care’ attitude of the Russian writers who created literary works when the censorship has been lifted after the downfall of communism. This kind of artistic mindset alienates the welfare of its audience. The line between right and wrong has become thinner, its boundaries blurry and sometimes interchanging. The arts, according to Solzhenitsyn, have been turned into more of a personal ambition of the artists rather than an intentional product of passion and love. He stressed that artists do not bring the world as the subject; they are the focal point. The arts became a movement of personal interests of the artists. Novelty becomes like a venue for affectation. Going back to Solzhenitsyn main argument, novelty became ruthless because it eradicated the classical foundation of arts. Arts cannot push for development if its foundation will be forgotten. It would be more disruptive if it will be forced to progress aggressively without any fundamentals to back it up. Alexander Solzhenitsyn sees novelty as a cause for a more individualistic nature rather than being communal in interaction. He was alarmed by how the current generation responded to old traditions. These traditions were treated as something useless and irrelevant in the present. Novelty was portrayed by the author as something anti-cultural and antagonistic of anything universally accepted. The saying ‘to each his own’ in arts or in general constitutes obscure distinction between good and evil. Another supporting factor for Solzhenitsyn’s argument is that this particular freedom attached with novelty developed into a negative relativity. This has been embraced by young artists who turn self-expression into a lack of sensitivity with regard to the effects of their work to other people. Social responsibility slowly ceased to exist anymore. Artistic freedom has always been believed to be helpful in maximizing an artist’s work. However, Alexander Solzhenitsyn presented an opposite view. The freedom vested on the artist implies a threat of producing an art with is a much lesser value. With no artistic limitations and no principles to follow, art becomes less of a recreation instead of serving a higher purpose. Solzhenitsyn emphasized the need to take the cultural tradition into account because without it, progress will be impossibly successful. He sees novelty as a trend resulting in chaos—socially and morally disruptive. It promotes an individualism that is obviously selfish and divides humanity even more. Innovations should be created for the benefit of others. Arts may be a compiled output of an individual’s unique skills and talents, but there will always be a responsibility attached to it because people get to grasp these works. An art is a huge factor in contributing to the formation of an ideology in a society. It is a powerful tool to propagate a message that can reach a huge number of people. Hence, Solzhenitsyn sees its development as critical because this will determine where the world will be heading to. The world will not be able to move forward without revisiting and considering the past. The cultural traditions within human society should be embedded for development. It is an important basis to learn from past mistakes and to improve on the present. It can be seen that Solzhenitsyn somehow views relentless novelty as the anarchism of art that will later on transcend into society. He mentioned the absence of laws in the process of arts and the lack of absolute truth. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn provided the view of novelty enclosed in a reckless handful of freedom and a lack of traditional grounds. He presented it as something negative because he had witnessed what it did to his people especially to the younger generations. As an artist himself, the author poses a huge concern on what kind of directions the arts would take since he knows the powerful influence of it to the society. He hopes to spread his view to make the younger generations be exposed of what history has brought the Russian country and what were its implications. Solzhenitsyn firmly believes that through history, it may shape the new artists to work for a greater purpose for humanity.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Black Panther Party

The Black Panther Party The Black Panther Party was established in 1966 by Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale and David Hilliard in Oakland, Ca. The three college students created the organization to provide protection to African-Americans against police brutality.   Within its first few years, the group gained national and international prominence for actions that were considered radical by critics and lauded by supporters.   As a result, of its revolutionary tactics several members of the  Ã‚  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)  joined the Black Panther Party to create the Black Power Movement.   1966   October:   Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale and David Hilliard establish the Black Panther Party of Self-Defense in Oakland, Ca. December: Bobby Hutton, a 16-year-old, is the first male recruit of the Black Panther Party. 1967 January: The Black Panther Party establishes its first headquarters- a storefront on Grove Street in Oakland, Ca.Members Kenny Freeman and Roy Ballard establish the Black Panther Party of Northern California in San Francisco. February: Writer Eldridge Cleaver joins the Party.Members of the Black Panther Party are attacked by law enforcement outside the office of Ramparts magazine while escorting Betty Shabazz, widow of Malcolm X.    April:   BPP publishes the first issue of Black Panther Party: Black Community News Service. This publication will become the organizations official news publication. May: H. Rap Brown becomes national chair of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). Stokely Carmichael preceded Brown in this role.An estimated 26 armed BPP members are arrested in Sacramento after invading the state legislature hearing on gun-control laws. 1968 January: The Southern California branch of the BPP is established by Alprentice â€Å"Bunchy† Carter. Carter was also named Deputy Minister of Defense by Newton.A rally is held for the â€Å"Oakland Seven,† an anti-war protest group who were arrested in October of 1967 during the â€Å"Stop the Draft Week† protest.   February: A coalition between the BPP and SNCC is established at a rally honoring Newton. March: Cleaver’s Soul on Ice is published. It is a collection of essays written by Cleaver when he was incarcerated.Arthur Carter is killed by government officials. Carter becomes the first member of the BPP to be murdered. April: The BPP opens an office in New York City. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated in Memphis.Bobby Hutton, the BPP’s first recruit as well as the organization’s national treasurer is murdered by Oakland law enforcement officials. June:   The alliance formed between SNCC and the BPP ends. As a result, Carmichael is forced to leave SNCC and joins the BPP. August: From August 25 to August 29, the BPP participates in anti-War rioting in Chicago at the Democratic National Convention. September: Newton is found guilty of voluntary manslaughter of an Oakland, police officer. He is sentenced to two to fifteen years in prison. David Hilliard assumes control of the BPP in Newton’s absence. Newton’s conviction is later appealed and reversed. November: The BPP develops several initiatives such as a free breakfast program for low-income children. 1969 January: BPP rolls out its free breakfast program for children at St. Augustine’s Church in Oakland. Other programs follow in areas throughout California as well as New York City. March: Following a speech delivered by Kathleen Cleaver, students at Mills College takeover Robert J. Werk’s office. The college’s president is held prisoner for several hours as students demand minority involvement in student affairs.Bobby Seale is indicted and charged with organizing the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. April: Carmichael relocates to Guinea with his wife, Mariam Makeba. June: J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI declares â€Å"†¦the Black Panther Party, without question, represents the greatest threat to internal security of the country. He pledges that 1969 would be the last year of the Partys existence.Carmichael leaves the BPP citing political differences with other prominent members. August: Newton wins an appeal, and he is released from prison.Seale is arrested in Berkeley. He is charged with organizing the 1968 Democratic National Convention riots as well as the murder of a BPP member named Alex Rackley. December: BPP leaders Fred Hampton and Mark Clark are found dead in a Chicago apartment following a police raid. 1970 March: Seale’s book, Seize the Time: The Story of the BPP and Huey Newton is published. October: Charges against Seale and other members of the Chicago 8 are dropped. 1971 February: Citing differing points of view on how the BPP should be run, Cleaver expels Newton and Hilliard. 1972 A collection of essays and speeches, To Die for the People, by Huey P. Newton is published. Newton declares that the BPP is â€Å"putting down the gun† and working within the law to help the African-American community progress. Newton also tries to persuade all African-Americans, poor people, and progressive Americans to support Representative Shirley Chisolm for the presidential nomination. 1973 March: Newton publishes his autobiography, Revolutionary Suicide. April: Elaine Brown  runs for the Oakland City Council while Bobby Seale runs for mayor of Oakland. 1974 August: Attempting to avoid jail time, Newton flees to Cuba following two assault charges.Elaine Brown assumes administrative roles of BPP. 1989 August: Newton is killed in West Oakland.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rush Hour essays

Rush Hour essays The action genre had really gone sour ever since Terminator II died out. Action stars like Jean Claude Van Damme and Sylvester Stalone had basically made carbon copies of their previous hits and re-released them under different names. However, starting in 1998 with Rush Hour, starring Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, and moving on to hits like The Matrix, the action genre is gaining new life with unique mixes of stars and plots to add life to the mindless action that has plagued the genre in the past. Like Buster Keaton and the other great silent comedians, Jackie Chan has relied upon the universal language of physical comedy to transcend the barriers of the spoken word. That is why the Hong Kong based Jackie Chan has become an international superstar, with legions of fans all over the world. Rush Hour fits the action genre because it has excellent fighting action scenes and a typical super hero against a whole mob. In Rush Hour, Jackie Chan comes back to the action genre, but brings a sidekick along for the ride. No, not some Chinese action star like Jet Li (Lethal Weapon 4) who provides two lines of dialogue and mindless kicks and punches. This co-star is one of the loudest and fastest talking on the silver screen today: Chris Tucker. Tucker is a unique choice to co-star in the comedy-action genres, which adds the thrill. Tucker's fast-talking and quick humor sharply contrasts Chan's usual dull style. On the other hand, Jackie Chans presence has the ability to reign in Chris Tucker's comedic excesses and preventing him from taking things too far over the top. Jackie Chan portrays Detective Inspector Lee of Hong Kong, who comes to America at the behalf of an old friend who just happens to be the Chinese Consul. The Consul requests that Inspector Lee aid the FBI in locating his kidnapped daughter. However, the FBI does not want any foreign interference with their inve...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Life Journey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Life Journey - Essay Example After graduating from law school, I traced my way back to Chicago where I practiced as a civil rights lawyer with the firm of John and Carter Man. I taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School, first as a lecturer and then as a professor and I helped in organizing voter registration drives during presidential campaigns. My lecturers usually told me that a lawyer is "a minister of justice, an officer of the courts, a client's advocate and a member of an ancient, honorable and learned profession." While, in this firm, it was my duty to serve the cause of justice, promote the interests of the state, be faithful to the clients, maintain the authority and dignity of the courts, demonstrated personal integrity and I was candid and courteous in relations with other lawyers. I married at the age of 25 to a beautiful wife, Rose Keane and we were blessed with two daughters, Shirleen, and Kate. I struggled to balance my time as a lawyer and as a dad too. However, it was fortunate enough to be surrounded by women, my wife, and the two daughters. They formed the most important part of my life, and they are the people who shaped me the most. I can term them as my sanctuary in this job. I usually attend the tennis matches of my firstborn and the oral recites of the second one during my offs. I usually feel persistent on the table while trying to stave off the passage of time as long as possible and I find myself enjoying every minute of the whole family together under one roof.

Friday, November 1, 2019

U05a1 Project Annotated Outline and Annotated Bibliography Essay

U05a1 Project Annotated Outline and Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example health care is completely covered for and is accessible to all. This is a very common topic for almost all Americans. b) This makes the topic very important as it will permit getting a clear understanding of where the health care sector is headed and what is the future for the health care of the middle class American families. The document provides a clear report on the effects of the patients protection and affordable care act of 2009. The document is detailed with a clear explanation of the act and is very helpful in developing the study further. The above mentioned document provides a clear summary of the act and also provides a detailed explanation of the theory and the overall study which is very helpful for this study. This is an overall very helpful paper and is helpful in completion of this research. Dorgan, B. L. (2010). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from Democratic Policy Committee: http://dpc.senate.gov/dpcdoc-sen_health_care_bill.cfm This website provides a detailed explanation of the act and is very insightful as it provides a through explanation of the topic and also provides insight into the benefits and drawback of the act as well. This website will prove to be very helpful for the research as it is a direct government website and is updated with the latest on the topic and all discussions regarding the topic are easily available in simple and straightforward language making it easier to follow and